Goodnight, oh by the way....

 Some days it's expected and known that it will not be a good day. Maybe on those days I acted out more because I knew it wouldn't be a good day to begin with. 

Some days it startles me at how pleasant she is towards me. 

The only time I knew her to hold a grudge was August 20, 2018. 

It had been a long day and through encouragement from my best friend and my boyfriend at the time, I had decided to tell my parents I was Bisexual. I knew how my mom would react-like I'm a nutcase. My dad I was scared and didn't know. So I had messaged him first and told him and was basically told,"it doesn't matter to me as long as you're happy. Im glad to have such an awesome daughter and I'm really proud of you." He also had mentioned wishing to be there when I told mom because in his words she is going to flip her lid. 

I waited several hours. Around 9pm ish I decided to tell her.

My exact words were, goodnight mom oh by the way I'm Bisexual. 

Maybe I should have done it better and sat her down. Well....too late now.

She spent the next week ignoring me and after a week she basically sent me a thing basically saying we all make mistakes. And has refused to acknowledge it since. Anytime it's brought up, without fail she rolls her eyes and explains in depth why it's a sin and it's wrong.

I do hope for the day or didn't happen or that it's something we can get past.


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