Random Journal Excerpts

 Since I was in about 1st grade I've had a journal... now how often I update it is a whole other story. Here is some random entries from my journals word for word.

May 25, 2009 - Age 7

TUESDAY Soon we will move to Airazonena! 

(There is a correction at the bottom on how Arizona is really spelled)

June 7, 2009 - Age 7

Yesterday it was Brady's Birthday and my uncle Mike's Baptisim and my uncle Mike he did't have a baptisim when he was 8 and soon my dad will get a job. 

(The last part is in reference to my step dad aka my mother's second husband, and also yikes, that's a little heavy for a 7 year old)

Nov. 1st, 2009 - Age 8

It almost Thanksgiving. It the 26th of nov. I am 8 years old. So it 27 more days!

(as you can tell, my math is a little off, unfortunately there is a tally thing showing I did indeed count the days to Thanksgiving.) 

Sept 20, 2010 - Age 8

Dear Diary, In day

(clearly there was something important but not quite sure what)

June 14, 2011 - Age 9

Today is the worst day of my life it is Jordan's b-day. And he thinks I going to get him a presant not going to happen

(.....I stand by this statement. I wonder what he did to incur my wrath?)

October 1, 2014 - Age 12

So as we(me and addie) lied in bed trying to go to sleep, addie's foot touched my butt and i said, "Hey! don't touch my butt" then she laughed really hard. Also started my period today

This will be 2 entries on the same day. I totally forgot something. On September 12, 2014 My new half sister Bella was born! She is so CUTE!

(clearly having my butt touched is more important than my sister being born.... sorry Bella)

March 17, 2017 - Age 15

2) Supernatural is AWESOME!! Not because the main characters are HOT! But I love the story they tell. Family don't end in blood, but it doesn't start there either. You have to earn that title! 

(This is only a small portion of a very very long entry, most of the later ones in life are very long, maybe I'll reupload them individually)

December 18, 2017 - Age 16

On November 3rd, I went on my first date!! His name is Ethan*this is the internet I'm not going to include his last name* We went and saw Thor: Ragnorok. It was awesome, plus I had my first kiss that day so yeah. About a week later, he asked me to be his girlfriend(we hang out everyday) and i said yes. He is very sweet and caring. I find it funny because like in august before we were dating we would text a lot and tell/ask very deep and personal questions. we still do this now. He is very dorky, but i think it's dorky. .... I really do like him a lot and we say I love you a lot, but i don't know if it is actually love like do i want to spend forever with him?

(Well, spoiler alert that lasted about 3 months and a separate thing off and on for a year and like not really worth it in the end. Did I love him like as in forever? Maybe in the very begining but it quickly faded. It wasn't the best relationship, both he and I were too young to say that and I was way too young to be thinking so far ahead into the future with him. Do I regret dating him? absolutely not. While it wasn't a good relationship, I still was able to find out what I needed from my partner and what I do and don't tolerate.)

Well that's all folks! seriously go home. That's all you get.....for now. 


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