School and stuff
Well it's official, school started and it's only been maybe a month and I'm over homework. Where's the sign up sheet to say sorry I love the classes but the homework is too much so I'll just take my degree and go?
Nah it's not all bad just the homework. My classes are fine and dandy and I have a couple friends which was a big worry that I wouldn't have any. My roommate is pretty chill so that's good.
I've had bad anxiety and that has not been good and I've missed a couple events because of it(dances are lame anyways)
I definitely still consider dropping out and moving and traveling the world, but then I remember that that costs money and to get money you need a job and to get a good paying job you need a degree which means i need to do homework.
Does anyone actually like working in a group? I don't not really. Sometimes maybe if I know I won't be the only one doing everything. I'm in a group of 4 and I've done probably about 94% of the project as well as the math behind it all and the presentation slides.
I decorated my room with fall leaves(fake) and a creepy cloth over our door and some sticky window decal as well as a cute witchy sign and a couple pumpkins of course. My roommate thinks its cool i think I might have overwhelmed her but I just LOVE fall and Halloween.
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